The risen Jesus makes a number of appearances to his disciples. On one occasion he ministers to Peter over breakfast and speaks words of restoration into his life. You can read the account in John 21 v 1 – 17.
From the other side of the cross I see;
for me he walked that lonely path.
He touches my brokenness and restores me.
He sees my regret and will forgive.
He understands my weakness and gives his strength.
He knows my limitations and provides his power.
He sees my confusion and shines his light ahead of me.
He reaches the depths of my hurts and heals me.
When I fail, still he loves me, lifts my head and wraps his arms around me.
He longs to walk with me, exchanging words, sharing silence.
He delights when I accept the gifts he offers.
The cross made it so, for me; for you.
‘The Spirit of God who raised Jesus from the dead lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you.’ - Romans 8 v 11